These are the channels in the DMT server. Join us in #🐉网络评论员 and say hello.
The Global Times. A lot happens at the Daily Mandarin Thread. Keep up to date with the latest news by subscribing to the Global Times.
Rules. The community abides by a basic set of rules. Please read them. Please don't break them. No warnings will be given.
Internet Commentators. This is the main discussion channel. Post your dank memes here. Speak well of the CCP and praise the glory of China.
Studying Chinese. For learner's of Chinese, this channel is a curated list of several useful resources.
Only members with the @中文学习者 role may post here. Please follow the format of the existing posts, with the name of the resource on one line, and the URL(s) to that resource down below.
Testing. For learner who want to practice their Chinese, this channel is reserved for test-taking.
Only members with the @中文学习者 role may post here.
Use the $test
to begin your first test.
Struggle Sessions. Post your best public apology. This channel is for members who need a break from the server.
This channel is in permanent 5 minute slow mode.